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Skin care: How to maintain your skin color


The skin is one the vital organ in the body. It is very and should be well taken care of. 

Body creams are used to maintain the skin to keep it moist and prevent from skin burn. But when the wrong ones are used, it may cause damage the skin. 

In Africa, a lot of people; both men and women use products to lighten their skin. Some may associate this action as being fashionable or a show of affluence. Some of these lighten creams contains hydroquinone, a bleaching agent that suppresses and damages the production of melanin which is the the skin's natural protection against ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Continuous use of these products can cause skin rashes, blotches and the skin may becomes weaken that it cannot be stitched when cut. A more greater effect could be cancer. 

It is important that everyone should be happy with their skin colour, embrace it with warmth and try to maintain it properly. Below are suggested ways you can have a healthy and glowing skin. 

1. Regular bathing. It is recommended that we bath at least twice a day. This helps to eliminate dust particles that may cause irritation to your skin. 

2. Eat healthy food/fruits/vegetables. A healthy meal is equivalent to a healthy body. 

3. Drink water and always stay hydrated. 

4. Avoid using several product on your skin. Don't use your skin to experiment products, it could be extremely dangerous. Once you discover what product works well for you, stick to it. 

5. Don't expose your skin to too much sunlight and chemicals as this may cause hazardous effects to your skin. 

Tanning or bleaching your skin doesn't make you more beautiful than you are. You have been wonderful and beautifully created by God. Love yourself because self love is true beauty. 

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