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It's no longer news that the COVID-19 virus that world is battling today has hit  Nigeria, 40 cases have been confirmed out of which 2 has recovered recording 1 death as at 11pm on Monday 23rd of March,2020 .

 It has been said that the virus originated from Wuhan in China and has spread globally to the United States, Germany, Italy and South Korea. Research has shown that the virus is capable of affecting the whole world and killing 10% of the inhabitants in the earth.
For you not to be a victim of this life claiming disease that is spreading like wild fire, a proper understanding is needed about the virus and how it can be prevented.

Corona viruses are large group of viruses that causes severe respiratory disease [pneumonia]. In most cases, the disease can be serious and even lead to death. People with medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, kidney or heart/lung diseases are more vulnerable to the virus.
These virus can be transmitted through sweat droplets, sneeze, cough, or touching contaminated surfaces of an infected person. Infected persons may be sick with the virus for 1 to 14 days before developing the symptoms. The most common symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are fever, tiredness, dry cough, and difficulty in breathing (severe cases)

You can protect yourself and help prevent spreading the virus to others if you:

1. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub (hand sanitizer).

2. Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue, handkerchief or flex your elbow when you cough or sneeze.

3. Avoid close contact with people who are unwell and avoid large gatherings. Stay at least 1-5 meters away.

4. Stay at home and isolate yourself from others in the household if you feel unwell.

5. Don't touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not clean.
6. Wear clean hand gloves and nose mask when treating a sick person.
7. Avoid unnecessary contacts with animals.


Currently, there is no vaccine for the disease. Do note that eating garlic or Gargling salt water will NOT prevent the virus. However, researchers are working to find a vaccine for infected persons. If you observe any of these symptom or someone around you, go to the nearest health center in your neighborhood. You can also seek for help by dialing these number; 080097000010. Early treatment can prevent death.

Stay Safe!!!

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