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Talk to me: Rape or no rape!- Defend yourself

For more than a week now, almost everyone have listened to sad stories from rape victims and it's saddens my heart to know what they go through.
Nothing justifies rape and every victim regardless of their gender deserve to be heard.

Prevention they say is better than cure. If cases like these can be prevented then we wouldn't have victims in the first place. With my little knowledge, I know that some victims become sex addicts, some heal and recover, some don't, some are scarred for the rest of their lives. If you are a victim of rape or sexual molestation, you deserve to be heard and for your own good it is best for you to confide in someone that you trust. It will be hard for you to trust and after a horrible experience like that but it's better to relieve yourself of the burden than to carry it all your life.

And if you find yourself in a situation and it's obvious that you are about to be taken advantage of then you can do something like screaming for help.
The first thing you should do is to scream for help. Before whosoever is trying to take advantage of you tries to cover your mouth use it before it's too late. If he or she succeeds in covering your mouth with their hand then try to bite them.

Try to fight your way out
He or she will most likely have you in a compromised position. You have to use your hands and legs to break free. You can use your knee to kick his groin area or use your elbow to hit her chest area, or use your wrist and palm to hit the nose and push hard or press the eyes hard.
Try hard to hurt them. Don't ever think that you can't fight your way out.

I know this might not be helpful to anyone that is a victim already but if you need someone to talk to you can find my WhatsApp number in my profile below. I promise to listen and help you through.

Nothing justifies rape and no one deserves to be a victim of rape.

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